The PTTF is seeking donations to update our playground which will encompass inclusive & accessible play areas that afford opportunities for physical, cognitive, social/emotional, & sensory development for children of all ages and abilities. These updated spaces will not only be utilized by all Thorntons Ferry School (TFS) students, but will also be available to families throughout Merrimack during non-school hours. Our playground committee has student, parent, and educator voices providing input & vision to the updated play spaces.

All donations are tax deductible and will contribute to our overall goal of reaching $120K to update the upper playground at TFS. The TFS community has worked hard over the past few years and has raised $65K of the $120K goal! We are almost there – and we need YOUR help to make this happen! The new play structures & equipment will be purchased and installed in the Spring/Summer 2022, and we are so excited for the day the kids get to see and use these new spaces and equipment!